Hello again,
It's sunny and windy outside in the UK at the moment, while I'm typing the topic for Design Desire. For this month I've decided to share some fabulous interior design images and ideas showcasing the colour red.
So here we go... Enjoy!
Picture credit: Keltainen Talo Rannalla Blog
Picture credit: Arhitektura
Picture credit: Nik A Ramli
Picture credit: My Home Ideas
Picture credit: Pinterest
Picture credit: Lushome
Picture credit: Home Dit
Picture credit: Flickr
Picture credit: Trendir
Hello sekali lagi,
Ia bercahaya dan berangin di luar di UK di mana saya berada sekarang, ketika saya menaip topik untuk Design Desire. Untuk bulan ini saya ingin berkongsi beberapa gambaran dan idea yang hebat dalam hiasan dalaman yang menggunakan warna merah.
Jadi inilah dia... Selamat menikmati!
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